Expert independent facilitation

Focused and flexible facilitation of workshops, planning sessions and programs encourages the conversation to flow in a direction where it achieves the most positive outcomes.

Flexibility helps you move forward

Versatile facilitators like Shirley Anne are able to quickly absorb the sub-text of a session, synthesise it and help the group to, collectively, agree on a vision that moves your business forward.

Getting everyone onboard

The facilitation process is always tailored for the group, and ensures people feel heard while untangling important issues. Shirley Anne

  • reframes objections and sensitively handles negativity.
  • enables everyone in the business to participate ‘without fear or favour’
  • explores what comes to the surface
  • makes sure collaboration is key and outcomes are real.

Issues are solved with simple strategies that use a delicate balance of conceptual and reflective activities that get people talking. This process enhances communication, promotes integration, develops synergy and, ultimately, helps your people deliver to objectives.

Follow up and follow through

After all sessions or workshops, Shirley Anne’s invaluable follow-up allows her to reinforce any strategies and check in with progress.

Have you considered combining a planning workshop with engaging team development strategies? Get in touch to see how we can work together.