Inspiration is “the stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity” (answers.corporation).

Inspirational Quotes

“The future depends on what you do in the present.” (Mahatma Gandhi)

“Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it.” (Charles Swindoll)

“Success comes to those who know themselves – their strengths, their values and how they best perform.” (Peter F Drucker)

“A person’s worth in this world is estimated according to the value they put on themselves.” (Jean De La Bruyer)

“There are three types of people in the world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened.” (Anonymous)

“Success on the outside begins on the inside.” (Anonymous)

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that we aim too high and fail, but that we aim too low and succeed.” (Michelangelo)

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” (Lao-Tzu)

“If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got” (Anthony Robbins)

“If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind.” (Seneca)